The Sexual Disgust Inventory (SDI)

Crosby, C. L., Durkee, P. K., Meston, C. M., & Buss, D. M.

Sexual disgust is an emotion hypothesized to deter individuals from engaging in sexual activities that are probabilistically detrimental to fitness. Based on a series of three studies, we developed a multidimensional scale of sexual disgust. The six factors of sexual disgust are: Taboo, Oral sex, Promiscuity, Hygiene, BDSM, and Same-sex attraction. The scale indicates acceptable construct and convergent validity.

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Crosby, C. L., Durkee, P. K., Meston, C. M., & Buss, D. M. (2020). Six dimensions of sexual disgust. Personality and Individual Differences156, 1-13. PDF(421 KB)