Recreational Erectile Dysfunction Medication Use in Male Undergraduates

Erectile dysfunction medications (EDMs) have become increasingly used as a sexual enhancement aid among men without a medical indication. Recreational EDM use has been associated with increased sexual risk behaviors, an increased risk for STIs, including incident HIV infection, and high rates of concomitant illicit drug use. We (Harte & Meston, 2011) investigated the prevalence and associated risk factors for recreational EDM use among young, healthy, undergraduate men. 1944 men were recruited from 497 undergraduate institutions within the Unites States between January 2006 and May 2007. EDM use was independently associated with sexual risk behaviors and substance abuse.

Recommended paper:

Harte, C. B., & Meston, C. M. (2011). Recreational use of erectile dysfunction medications in undergraduate men in the United States: characteristics and associated risk factors. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 40(3), 597-606. PDF (93 KB)