Professor: David Gilden
Office: SEA 5.118
Phone: 512.232.4641
Office hours: MWF 2:00-2:30 and by appointment
TA: Zoë Feygin
Office: SEA 5.118
Office hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:30-4:30 PM and by appointment
Study questions (*Updated 05/5/20*)
Exam Dates (tentative):
Radiolab – Memory and Forgetting
Philosophical issues
Magic number seven (Miller)
Chinese Room
Psychological science can improve diagnostic decisions
What the frog’s eye tells the frog’s brain
Basic perception
Brain Mechanisms of Vision (Hubel & Wiesel)
Spatial Frequency Analysis
The Ketchup Conundrum
*Checkerboard image1
*Checkerboard image2
*Homunculus diagrams
*Auditory tonotopic organization (first figure)
The neuronal representation of pitch in primate auditory cortex (Bendor & Wang)
*Equiluminance effects
Gestalt intro: Download
One-sided edge assignment in vision (Driver & Baylis)
Perception of symmetry and repetition within and across visual shapes (Baylis & Driver)
Theoretical approaches to perceptual organization: |
(Acrobat 6 required) |
The interpretation of visual illusions (Hoffman)
A feature integration theory of attention (Treisman & Gelade)
What can 1 million trials tell us about visual search? (Wolfe)
Serial vs. Parallel Processing: Sometimes They Look like Tweedledum and Tweedledee but They Can (And Should) be Distinguished (Townsend)
Parallel and Serial Processes in Visual Search (Thornton & Gilden)
The Serial Process in Visual Search (Gilden, Thornton, & Marusich)
Spatial Attention in Visual Search for Features and Feature Conjunctions (Kim & Cave)
Distribution of Attention over Noncontiguous Regions of the Visual Field (Kramer & Hahn)
On the Nature of Streaks in Signal Detection (Gilden & Wilson)
Visual Functions of Mental Imagery (selection from Finke & Shepard)
Neural Adaptation of Imaginary Visual Motion (Gilden)
Moving to the Beat of Seconds (Schleidt)
Evidence of a Time Constant (Gerstner)
Contraction of time in ADHD (Gilden & Marusich)
Neuropharmacology of timing and time perception (Meck)
Chapter on Timing
Delay of Reinforcement Gradient (Perin)
Temporal Dynamics of Chewing (Gerstner)
Complex Systems in Aesthetics
White, brown, and fractal music (Gardner)
Working Memory
What is working memory and what is it good for?
Working Memory (Baddeley)
Baddeley Experiments
Baddeley Experiments Video
The Word-Length Effect and Disyllabic Words (Lovatt)
The time-based word length effect and stimulus set specificity (Neath et al.) (must be viewed in Acrobat)
A serial position effect in recall of United States presidents (Roediger & Crowder)
What limits working memory capacity?
Is the superior verbal memory span of Mandarin speakers due to faster rehearsal?
Long Term Memory
Creating false memories: Remembering words not presented in lists (Roediger & McDermott)
Contextual Prerequisites for Understanding: Some Investigations of Comprehension and Recall (Bransford & Johnson)
Assessing the distinguishability of models and the informativeness of data (Navarro, Pitt, & Myung)
Faciliation in Recognizing Pairs of Words (Meyer & Schvaneveldt)
Transformations of memory in everyday life (Linton)
Reconstruction of automobile deconstruction (Loftus & Palmer)
An adult eidetiker (Stromeyer)
Toscanini’s memory (Marek)
An exceptional memory (Hunter)
Unconscious perception: Attention, awareness, and control (Jacoby)
The death of implicit memory (Willingham & Preuss)
Experiments from Lecture: 1 2 3
Reasoning and decision making
The hot hand in basketball: On the misperception of random sequences (Gilovich, et al.)
Streaks in skilled performance (Gilden & Wilson)
Subjective probability (Falk)
Choices, values, and frames (Kahneman & Tversky)
Understanding collision dynamics (Gilden & Proffitt)