Kelly M., Garner M., Cooper E.M., Orsini C.A. (2025). Cholinergic regulation of decision making under risk of punishment. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory.
Wheeler A-R., Truckenbrod L.M., Boehnke A., Kahanek P., Orsini C.A. (2024). Sex differences in sensitivity to dopamine receptor manipulations of risk-based decision making in rats. Neuropsychopharmacology.
Truckenbrod, L.M., Cooper, E.M., Wheeler, A-R., Orsini, C.A. (2024). Cocaine intake correlates with risk-taking behavior and affects estrous cycling in female Sprague-Dawley rats. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience.
Wheeler, A-R., Truckenbrod, L.M., Cooper, E.M., Betzhold, S.M., Setlow, B, Orsini, C.A. (2023). Effects of Fentanyl Self-administration on Risk-Taking Behavior in Male Rats. Psychopharmacology.
Truckenbrod, L.M. Betzhold, S.M., Wheeler, A-R., Shallcross, J., Singhal, S., Harden, S., Schwendt, M., Frazier, C.J., Bizon, J.L., Setlow, B., Orsini, C.A. (2023). Circuit- and cell-specific contributions to decision making involving risk of explicit punishment in male and female rats. The Journal of Neuroscience.
Orsini, C.A., Pyon, W.S*., Dragone, R.J., Faraji, M. Wheeler, A-R., Pompilus, M., Febo, M., Setlow, B., Bizon, J.L. (2023). Age-related changes in risky decision making and associated neural circuitry in a rat model. eNeuro. *indicates co-first author.
Truckenbrod, L.M., Cooper, E., Orsini, C.A. (2022). Cognitive relationships underlying risky decision making in male and female rats. Cognitive Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience.
Orsini, C.A., Brown, T.W., Hodges, T.E., Alonso-Caraballo, Y., Winstanley, C.A., Becker, J.B. (2022). Neural mechanisms mediating sex differences in motivation for reward: food and drugs of abuse. The Journal of Neuroscience.
Orsini, C.A., Truckenbrod, L.M., Wheeler, A-R. (2022). Regulation of sex differences in risk-based decision making by gonadal hormones: insights from rodent models. Behavioral Processes.
Blaes, S.L., Betzhold, S.M., Bizon, J.L., Setlow, B., Orsini, C.A. (2022). Cocaine-induced changes in risk taking in males and females depends on age at which cocaine self-administration occurs. Behavioral Neuroscience.
Garman. T.S., Setlow, B., Orsini, C.A. (2021). The effects of a high-fat diet on impulsive choice in rats. Physiology & Behavior.
Hernandez, C.M., Orsini, C.A., Blaes, S.L., Bizon. J.L., Febo, M., Bruijnzeel, A.W., Setlow B. (2021). Effects of repeated adolescent exposure to cannabis smoke on cognitive outcomes in adulthood. Journal of Psychopharmacology.
Orsini, C.A., Blaes, S.L., Hernandez, C.M., Wheeler, A-R., Ten Eyck, T.W., Garman, T.S., Bizon, J.L., Setlow, B. (2021). Regulation of risky decision making by gonadal hormones in male and female rats. Neuropsychopharmacology.
Hernandez, C.M., Orsini, C.A., Wheeler, A.-R., Ten Eyck, T.W., Setlow, B., Bizon, J.L. (2020). Testicular hormones mediate robust sex differences in impulsive choice. eLife.
Orsini, C.A., Simon, N.W. (2020). Reward/punishment-based decision making in rodents. Current Protocols in Neuroscience Research.
Orsini, C.A., Blaes, S.L., Dragone, R.J., Betzhold, S.M., Finner, A., Bizon, J.L., Setlow, B. (2020). Distinct relationships between risk taking and cocaine self-administration in under short-and long-access conditions. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 98:109791.
Setlow, B., Blaes, S.L., Burns, M.R., Dragone, R.J., Orsini, C.A. (2020). Using rodent models to understand interactions between gambling and substance use. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 31:37-41.
Orsini, C.A., Blaes, S.L., Setlow, B., Simon, N.W. (2019). Recent Updates in Modeling Risky Decision Making in Rodents. In Psychiatric Disorders: Methods and Protocols. Firas H. Kobeissy, Editor. Springer Nature.
Hernandez, C.M., Orsini, C.A., Labiste, C.C., Wheeler, A-R, Ten Eyck, T.W., Bruner, M.M., Harden, S., Frazier, C.J., Setlow, B., Bizon, J.L. (2019). Optogenetic inactivation of the basolateral amygdala during distinct task epochs young and aged rats performing a delay discounting task. eLife, 8:e46174. PMCID: PMC6472996.
Blaes, S.L., Orsini, C.A., Bruner, M.M., Wall, S.C., Stubbs, T., Ferguson, S.N., Holik, H., Febo, M., Bruijnzeel, A.W., Bizon, J.L., Setlow, B. (2019). Enhancing effects of acute exposure to cannabis smoke on working memory performance. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 157:151-162. PMCID: PMC6563837.
Orsini, C.A., Hernandez, C.M., Bizon, J.L., Setlow, B. (2019). Deconstructing value-based decision making via temporally-selective manipulation of neural activity: insights from rodent models. Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, 19:459-476. PMCID: PMC6472996.
Blaes, S.L., Orsini, C.A.*, Mitchell, M.R., Spurrell, M.S., Betzhold, S., Vera, K., Bizon, J.L., Setlow, B. (2018). Monoaminergic modulation of decision making under risk of punishment in a rat model. Behavioral Pharmacology. 29:745-761. PMCID: PMC6291248. *contributed equally.
Orsini, C.A., Colon-Perez, L.M., Heshmati, S.C., Setlow, B., Febo, M (2018). Functional connectivity of chronic cocaine use reveals progressive neuroadaptations in neocortical, striatal and limbic networks. eNeuro, PMCID: PMC6071197.
Orsini, C.A., Heshmati, S.C., Garman, T.S., Bizon, J.L., Setlow, B (2018). Contributions of medial prefrontal cortex to decision making involving risk of punishment. Neuropharmacology, 139:205-216. PMCID: PMC6108435.
Deng, J.V., Orsini, C.A., Shimp, K.G., Bizon, J.L., Setlow, B. (2018). MeCP2 expression in a rat model of risky decision making. Neuroscience, 369:212-221. PMCID: PMC5766376.
Mitchell, M.R., Orsini, C.A., & Setlow, B. Cocaine and intertemporal decision making.” (2017). In The Neuroscience of Cocaine: Mechanisms and Treatments. V. Preedy, Editor. Elsevier.
Orsini, C.A., Hernandez, C., Singhal, S., Kelly, K.B., Frazier, C.J., Bizon, J.L., Setlow, B. (2017). Optogenetic inhibition reveals distinct roles for basolateral amygdala activity at discrete timepoints during risky decision making. The Journal of Neuroscience, 48:11537-11548. PMCID: PMC5707761.
Hernandez, C.M., Vetere, L., Orsini, C.A., McQuail, J.M., Burke, S., Mauer, D., Setlow, B., Bizon, J.L. (2017). Relationships between intertemporal choice and prefrontal cortical-mediated cognitive deficits in aged rats. Neurobiology of Aging, 60:141-152. PMCID: PMC5669385.
Orsini, C.A., Mitchell, M.R., Heshmati, S.C., Spurrell, M. Bizon, J.B., Setlow, B. (2017). Effects of nucleus accumbens amphetamine administration on performance in a delay discounting task. Behavioural Brain Research, 321:130-136, PMCID: PMC5272779.
Orsini, C.A., Setlow B. (2017). Sex differences in animal models of decision making. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 95:260-269, PMCID: PMC5120608.
Orsini, C.A., Setlow, B., DeJesus, M., Galaviz, S., Loesch, K., Sacchettini, J.C., Ioerger, T., Wallis, D. (2016). Behavioral and transcriptomic profiling of mice null for Lphn3, a gene implicated in ADHD and addiction. Molecular Genetics and Genomic Medicine, 4:322-343, PMCID: PMC4867566.
Orsini, C.A., Willis, M., Gilbert, R.J., Bizon, J.L., Setlow, B. (2016). Sex differences in a rat model of risky decision making. Behavioral Neuroscience, 130:50-61, PMCID: PMC4738105.
Orsini, C.A., Moorman, D., Young, J., Setlow, B., Floresco, S.B. (2015). Neural mechanisms regulating different forms of risk-related decision-making: Insights from animal models. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 58:147-167, PMID: 26072028.
Orsini, C.A., Trotta, R.T., Bizon, J.L. Setlow, B. (2015). Dissociable roles for the basolateral amygdala and orbitofrontal cortex in decision-making under risk of punishment. Journal of Neuroscience, 35:1368-1379, PMCID: PMC4308589.
Orsini, C.A., Ginton, G., Shimp, K.G., Avena, N.M, Gold, M.S., Setlow, B. (2014). Food consumption and weight gain after cessation of chronic amphetamine administration. Appetite, 78:76-80, PMCID: PMC4041868.
Orsini, C.A., Yan, C., Maren, S. (2013). Ensemble coding of context-dependent fear memory in the amygdala. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 7:1-8, PMCID: PMC3861741.
Orsini, C.A. & Maren, S. (2012). Neural and cellular mechanisms of fear and extinction memory formation. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 36:1773-1802, PMCID: PMC3345303.
Badrinarayan, A., Prater, K.E. & Orsini, C.A. (2012). The role of the central amygdala in selecting circuits and responses. Journal of Neuroscience, 32:8431-8433, PMCID: PMC3457702.
Orsini, C.A. & Maren, S. (2011). Hippocampal and prefrontal projections to the basal amygdala mediate contextual regulation of fear after extinction. Journal of Neuroscience, 23, p. 17269-17277, PMCID: 3241946.
Rabinak, C.A., Orsini, C.A., Zimmerman, J.M. & Maren, S. (2009). The amygdala is not necessary for unconditioned stimulus inflation after Pavlovian fear conditioning in rats. Learning & Memory, 16:645-654, PMCID: PMC2769164.
Orsini, C.A. & Maren, S. (2009). Glutamate receptors in the medial geniculate nucleus are necessary for expression and extinction of conditioned fear in rats. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 92:581–589, PMCID: PMC2745571.
Chang, C., Knapska, E., Orsini, C.A., Rabinak, C., Zimmerman, J. & Maren, S. (2009). Fear extinction in rodents. Current Protocols, Chapter 8:Unit8.23, PMCID: PMC2756523.
Rabinak, C.A., Zimmerman, J.M., Chang, C. & Orsini, C.A. (2008). Bidirectional changes in the intrinsic excitability of infralimbic neurons reflect a possible regulatory role in the acquisition and extinction of Pavlovian conditioned fear. Journal of Neuroscience, 28:7245-7247, PMCID: PMC667402.