Podcasts and Interviews
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Latest News
August 2024: Dr. David Buss publishes 7th edition of Evolutionary Psychology: The New Science of the Mind.
May 2024: William Costello wins International Academy of Sex Research’s 2023 Best Student Manuscript.
May 2024: Rebecka Hahnel-Peeters wins the 2023 – 2024 Janet T. Spence Teaching Award for Assistant Instructors.
December 2023: Rebecka Hahnel-Peeters receives the University of Texas at Austin’s Disability and Access Accessibility Champion Award.
August 2023: William Costello won the APA Division 51: Society for the Psychological Study of Men & Masculinities student of the year award and the International Academy of Sex Researchers’ Student Research Development Award.
August 2023: Francis “Sid” Dougan joins the Buss Lab.
June 2023: Author Andrew S. Trees recommended The Evolution of Desire as one of their favorite books on Shepherd.com.
May 2023: TheBestSchools names David Buss as the 10th most influential psychologist in the world today.
January 2023: The 1st edition of David Buss’s Oxford Handbook of Human Mating was released.
August 2022: William Costello and Paola Baca join the Buss Lab.
August 2021: Rebecka Hahnel-Peeters joins the Buss Lab.
April 2021: The 1st edition of David Buss’s Why Men Behave Badly book was released.
January 2021: The 7th edition of Randy Larsen and David Buss’ Personality Psychology textbook is released, fully updated, with expanded coverage of personality from evolutionary and cultural perspectives.
June 2020: Social Status Helped and Hindered by the Same Behaviors and Traits Worldwide: Press release over a recent paper by Buss et al. (2020).
November 2018: New interview podcast about the new edition of David Buss’s book, The Evolution of Desire: Strategies of Human Mating. Includes discussion of how to select a mate; what leads to mating disaster; and the mating crisis among educated women.
August 2017: Courtney Crosby and Patrick Durkee join the Buss Lab.
August 2017: Podcast interview with David Buss about the new edition of his book The Evolution of Desire: Strategies of Human Mating. (Also available on iTunes, Facebook, and Twitter.)
July 2017: Kelly Asao has accepted a Lecturer position at The Institute for Social Neuroscience.
April 2017: The 6th edition of Randy Larsen and David Buss’ Personality Psychology textbook is released, fully updated, with expanded coverage of personality from evolutionary and cultural perspectives.
February 2017: David Buss talks about the revised edition of The Evolution of Desire on AirTalk®.
August 2016: Daniel Conroy-Beam has accepted an Assistant Professor position at UC Santa Barbara.
March 2016: Check out this retro interview with David Buss about ‘The Dangerous Passion’ on Today Show, with Matt Lauer.
February 2016: David Buss receives Association for Psychological Science’s Mentor Award for Lifetime Achievement.
January 2016: David Buss’s article The Mating Crisis Among Educated Women is featured on Edge.com.
December 2015: Dr.Barry Kuhle and Dr. David Buss’s research on infidelity is covered in VICE.com article, Why Does Evolution Want Infidelity to Hurt So Much?
October 2015: The 2nd edition of the Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology hits the shelves! It comes 52 chapters over two volumes, along with a Preface by Steve Pinker and an Afterword by Richard Dawkins.
August 2015: Laith Al-Shawaf has accepted an Assistant Professor position at Bilkent University.
August 2015: Daniel Conroy-Beam Finds Wide Gap in Mate Preferences for Men and Women.
August 2015: Anna Sedlacek joins the Buss Lab.
July – August 2015: David Buss and Kelly Asao’s talk on “The Evolution of Sexual Morality” was presented at the Chile Conference on the Evolution of Morality.
2015: The 5th edition of David Buss’s Evolutionary Psychology Textbook was released.