June 2020: Social Status Helped and Hindered by the Same Behaviors and Traits Worldwide. Press coverage on Buss et al. (2020).
June 2020: These traits automatically boost your social status no matter where you live. Press coverage on Buss et al. (2020).
September 2018: Buss & Schmitt publish a massive review of human sexual strategies in the Annual Review of Psychology.
September 2018: Former Buss Lab member, Dr. Dan Conroy-Beam, wins the APS Rising Star designation.
November 2017: David Buss’s TED-x talk on ‘Sexual Conflict in Human Mating’.
August 2017: Courtney Crosby and Patrick Durkee join the Buss Lab.
August 2017: Podcast interview with David Buss about the new edition of his book The Evolution of Desire: Strategies of Human Mating. (Also available on iTunes, Facebook, and Twitter.)
July 2017: Kelly Asao has accepted a Lecturer position at The Institute for Social Neuroscience.
June 2017: New interview podcast about the new edition of David Buss’s book, The Evolution of Desire: Strategies of Human Mating. Includes discussion of how to select a mate; what leads to mating disaster; and the mating crisis among educated women.
April 2017: The 6th edition of Randy Larsen and David Buss’ Personality Psychology textbook is released, fully updated, with expanded coverage of personality from evolutionary and cultural perspectives.
February 2017: David Buss talks about the revised edition of The Evolution of Desire on AirTalk®.
August 2016: Daniel Conroy-Beam has accepted an Assistant Professor position at UC Santa Barbara.
March 2016: Check out this retro interview with David Buss about The Dangerous Passion on Today Show, with Matt Lauer.
February 2016: David Buss receives Association for Psychological Science’s Mentor Award for Lifetime Achievement.
January 2016: David Buss’s article “The Mating Crisis Among Educated Women” is featured on Edge.com.
December 2015: Dr. Barry Kuhle and Dr. David Buss’s research on infidelity is covered in VICE.com article, “Why Does Evolution Want Infidelity to Hurt So Much?”
2015: The 2nd edition of the Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology hits the shelves! It comes 52 chapters over two volumes, along with a Preface by Steve Pinker and an Afterword by Richard Dawkins.
August 2015: Laith Al-Shawaf has accepted an Assistant Professor position at Bilkent University.
August 2015: Daniel Conroy-Beam Finds Wide Gap in Mate Preferences for Men and Women.
August 2015: Anna Sedlacek joins the Buss Lab.
July – August 2015: David Buss and Kelly Asao’s talk “The Evolution of Sexual Morality” is presented at the Chile Conference on the Evolution of Morality.
2015: The 5th edition of David Buss’s Evolutionary Psychology Textbook was released.
September 2014: David Buss’s book The Evolution of Desire is reviewed by Dating Advice.com.
August 2014: Joy Wyckoff joins the Buss Lab
November 2014: The 5th edition of David Buss’s textbook, Evolutionary Psychology: The New Science of the Mind, will be published in November 2014, and available for course adoption.
July 2014: Dr. Cari Goetz has accepted an Assistant Professor position at Cal State University San Bernadino.
June 2014: Dr. Jaime Cloud has accepted an Assistant Professor position at Western Oregon University.
July 2013: The fifth edition of Randy Larsen and David Buss’s Personality Psychology textbook was released.
June 2013: David Lewis has accepted a tenure-track position at Bilkent University.
October 2012: The Buss Lab’s work on sexual exploitability was covered in Dr. Raj Persuad’s Huffington Post UK blog in a piece titled “Fame and Sexual Exploitation.”
July 2012: Dr. Jaime Cloud has accepted a tenure-track position at Birmingham-Southern College and Judith Easton has been hired as a full-time lecturer at Texas State Univeristy. Former Buss Lab member Carin Perilloux has been hired as a visiting professor at Union College
March 2012: Dr. David Buss appeared on Dr. Drew to discuss human mating and relationships (episode transcript).
March 2012: Dr. David Buss’s work on homicidal fantasies was referenced in the New York Times Op-Ed “When the Good do Bad.”
March 2012: Dr. David Buss’s work with Dr. Cindy Meston on why women have sex was covered in the Business Insider article, “Why do People have Sex?”
March 2012: Dr. David Buss’s work was cited in the Time Magazine article “Women, Money, and Power.” (See link for free online preview, Why Men are Attracted to High Earning Women.)
March 2012: Dr. David Buss was quoted in the New York Times article, “Refining the Formula That Predicts Celebrity Marriages’ Doom.”
September 2011: Dr. David Buss was quoted in the Houston Chronicle article, “Breakup leads to Cyber-stalking Charge.”
September 2011: Dr. David Buss and Dr. Joshua Duntley’s work on domestic violence was discussed in the New Scientist article, “Domestic Violence gets and Evolutionary Explanation.” Also, see DNLee’s blog on Scientific American relating this work to hip hop music.
February 2011: The fourth edition of David Buss’s Evolutionary Psychology textbook was released.
February 2011: Dr. Carin Perilloux has been hired as Visiting Assistant Professor in the department of Psychology at Williams College.
December 2010: The BussLab published a response to commenters on their original American Psychologist article entitled “Trade-Offs, Individual Differences, and Misunderstandings About Evolutionary Psychology.”
November 2010: Dr. David Buss’s new book, The Evolution of Personality and Individual Differences, co-edited with Dr. Patricia H. Hawley, has been published.
February 2010: The BussLab published an article entitled “Evolutionary Psychology: Controversies, Questions, Prospects, and Limitations” in the latest issue of American Psychologist.
September 2009: Dr. David Buss’s new book, Why Women Have Sex, co-written with Dr. Cindy Meston, comes out September 29th.
August 2009: Dr. Diana Fleischman has been hired by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine as an Experimental Social Psychologist. She will be working with Robert Aunger and Val Curtis applying evolutionary psychology to the problem of promoting hygiene behaviors in developing countries.

April 2009: The BussLab got the chance to meet with Michael Shermer during his visit to Austin as part of a panel on scientific vs. religious explanations of life.
March 2009: The work on romantic relationship termination by Carin Perilloux and Dr. David Buss was quoted in an article, “The Science of Heartbreak,” in the March issue of Men’s Health magazine.
February 2009: In honor of the 150th anniversary of the publication of Darwin’s On the Origin of Species (and the 200th anniversary of Darwin’s birth), American Psychologist published a special Darwin issue in which David Buss published his article, The Great Struggles of Life: Darwin and the Emergence of Evolutionary Psychology.
January 2009: Congratulations to former BussLab member Joongwhan Jeon on his new tenure-track position at Kyung-hee University in Korea.
January 2009: Congratulations to former BussLab member Barry (Friedman) Kuhle on his new tenure-track position at the University of Scranton.
January 2009: Congratulations to former BussLab member Todd Shackelford on his recent election to Fellow of APS.
March 2008: The BussLab and the LiLab obtained an exclusive meeting with Richard Dawkins during his visit to Austin!
We were able to discuss our research with him and receive his comments and questions.

July 2007: The Meston-Buss article “Why Humans Have Sex” was featured in the New York Times on July 31, 2007, and became the most emailed and blogged article of the day.
June 2007:The third edition of David Buss’s Evolutionary Psychology textbook was released.
June 2007: Congratulations to Joongwhan Jeon for receiving his doctorate.
December 2006: Congratulations to Sarah E. Hill for receiving her doctorate (and on the birth of her new daughter, June).
July 2005: The Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology, edited by David Buss, was released.
June 2005: Congratulations to Joshua Duntley for receiving his doctorate.
June 2005: The annual Human Behavior and Evolution Society Conference hosted by Professors David Buss and Norman Li was highly attended and universally enjoyed. Some photos from the conference have been posted here.
May 2005: David Buss’s new book, The Murderer Next Door was released.
2004: The second edition of Randy Larson and David Buss’s Personality textbook was released.