Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (Links to Selected Publications)

Cougle, J. R., Lee, H.-J., & Salkovskis, P. M. (2007a). Are responsibility beliefs inflated in non-checking OCD patients? Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 21(1), 153–159. doi:10.1016/j.janxdis.2006.03.012

Cougle, J. R., Lee, H.-J., Horowitz, J. D., Wolitzky-Taylor, K. B., & Telch, M. J. (2008). An exploration of the relationship between mental pollution and OCD symptoms. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 39(3), 340–353. doi:10.1016/j.jbtep.2007.08.007

Cougle, J. R., Wolitzky-Taylor, K. B., Lee, H.-J., & Telch, M. J. (2007b). Mechanisms of change in ERP treatment of compulsive hand washing: does primary threat make a difference? Behaviour Research and Therapy, 45(7), 1449–1459. doi:10.1016/j.brat.2006.12.001

Lee, H.-J., & Telch, M. J. (2005). Autogenous/reactive obsessions and their relationship with OCD symptoms and schizotypal personality features. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 19(7), 793–805. doi:10.1016/j.janxdis.2004.10.001

Lee, H.-J., & Telch, M. J. (2008). Autogenous Reactive Obsessions. In J. S. Abramowitz, D. McKay, & S. Taylor, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Subtypes and Spectrum Conditions (pp. 107–126).

Lee, H.-J., & Telch, M. J. (2010). Differences in latent inhibition as a function of the autogenous–reactive OCD subtype. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 48(7), 571–579. doi:10.1016/j.brat.2010.03.006

Lee, H.-J., Cougle, J. R., & Telch, M. J. (2005a). Thought-action fusion and its relationship to schizotypy and OCD symptoms. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 43(1), 29–41. doi:10.1016/j.brat.2003.11.002

Lee, H.-J., Kwon, S.-M., Kwon, J. S., & Telch, M. J. (2005). Testing the autogenous-reactive model of obsessions. Depression and Anxiety, 21(3), 118–129. doi:10.1002/da.20063

Lee, H.-J., Lee, S.-H., Kim, H.-S., Kwon, S.-M., & Telch, M. J. (2005b). A comparison of autogenous/reactive obsessions and worry in a nonclinical population: a test of the continuum hypothesis. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 43(8), 999–1010. doi:10.1016/j.brat.2004.06.017

Lee, H.-J., Yost, B. P., & Telch, M. J. (2009). Differential performance on the go/no-go task as a function of the autogenous-reactive taxonomy of obsessions: findings from a non-treatment seeking sample. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 47(4), 294–300. doi:10.1016/j.brat.2009.01.002