Thank you for your interest in our research! Here are a few ongoing studies currently open for recruitment:
If you have been feeling sad, down, or depressed and you are able to come in-person once a week to UT for the next four weeks, you might be eligible.
The Mood Disorders Lab at The University of Texas is looking for individuals aged 18-70 years old to participate in a study examining the efficacy of a mobile therapeutic game for treating symptoms of depression. This study takes place in-person, visits to UT Austin campus are necessary. Qualified participants will be given free access to a therapeutic game app designed to help with symptoms of depression. Participants will also complete questionnaires and computer tasks. Up to $225 in compensation available for completing all assessments. All participant information is completely confidential. Please email at for more information. Click the link below or scan the QR code below to be taken directly to the screening survey.

Please note that the MDL is unable to provide immediate assistance or advice to individuals about their depression, nor to family members or friends of individuals with depression. This web site was primarily created to provide background information about research conducted at the MDL. If you are in need of immediate assistance, please call your health care provider. If it is an emergency, please call 911 (in the U.S.) or go to a hospital emergency room.