Much information is available on the internet about Major Depressive Disorder. Below are a few online resources that we believe provide accurate and reliable information.
The National Institute of Mental Health
The website describes depression symptoms, causes, and treatments, and provides information on getting help and coping. Information is provided in both English and Spanish. Read More.
The Brain and Behavior Foundation
Provides information about several mental health problems and summarizes the latest research findings. Read More.
Provides regularly updated information about federally and privately supported treatment research that is looking for volunteers. gives you information about a treatment study’s purpose, who may participate, locations, and who to call for more details. Read More.
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies
Provides an electronic listing of therapists. You can search for therapists near you. Therapists on this list usually practice behavioral or cognitive-behavioral therapy. Cognitive-behavioral and behavioral therapies are among the most effective psychological treatments for major depression. Read More.
The American Psychological Association
The largest organization of psychologists. This website provides information about how depression differs from sadness and also reviews different treatment options. Read More.
The American Psychiatric Association
The largest organization of psychiatrists. Their website provides information about the medical causes and treatment of depression. It also has information about medications often used to treat depression. Read More.