
We used to provide a list of publications on this page, but then we realized it was easier and more comprehensive for us to provide links to search engines that will list MDL publications. Depending on your access, you can locate our publications via:

Google Scholar (includes publications and other scholarly work) and Dr. Beevers’ Google Scholar profile.

PubMed (includes most but not all publications);

ORCID (includes publications and current/past major grant funding).

You can also find our active NIH grants via NIHRePORTER.

We also keep a number of other documents in publically accessible repositories. Please see the Open Materials page on the lab webpage for more details.


Our data scientist, Jason Shumake, occasionally writes in his blog. Former MDL graduate student, Michael Mullarkey, also maintains a blog. They mostly write about data science and open research issues.

Dysfunctional Attitude Scale-Short Form

We used Item Response Theory to develop two 9-item versions of the widely used 40-item Dysfunctional Attitude Scale – Form A (Weissman, 1979) in this publication: Beevers, C. G., Strong, D. R., Meyer, B., Pilkonis, P. A., & Miller, I. R. (2007). Efficiently assessing negative cognition in depression: An item response theory analysis of the Dysfunctional Attitude Scale. Psychological Assessment19(2), 199–209.

The 9-item DAS-SF scales (and their scoring) can be found here:

These scales may be used for research purposes. It is not necessary to request permission to use the DAS-SF for research purposes.

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