Hello and Welcome to the Mood Disorders Laboratory,

Depression is one of the most serious mental health problems in the United States. Approximately 10 to 25 percent of adults will experience an episode of depression in their lifetime. In the United States alone, the annual cost of treatment and lost productivity due to depression is $44 billion. Depression is a pervasive and costly mental health problem because it is not well understood. Research at the Mood Disorders Laboratory is devoted to improving our understanding of depression so that more effective treatments can be developed. This critical goal cannot be reached without help from many people. In particular, people willing to participate in our research and colleagues who help us complete this work make extremely important contributions. The content on this website is primarily for these individuals—it describes who we are and what we do. If you would like more information about us and our work, beyond what our website provides, feel free to contact us via email at mdl@utexas.edu.

Christopher G. Beevers, Ph.D.

Please note that the MDL is unable to provide immediate assistance or advice to individuals about their depression, nor to family members or friends of individuals with depression. This web site was primarily created to provide background information about research conducted at the MDL. If you are in need of immediate assistance, please call your health care provider. If it is an emergency, please call 911 (in the U.S.) or go to a hospital emergency room.

We Are Currently Recruiting For:

UT Attention Bias Study

If you have been feeling sad, down, or depressed and you are able to come in-person once a week to UT for the next four weeks, you might be eligible. You can earn up to $225 if you are eligible. Our screening survey is available through the QR Code below, or here: https://redcap.link/yyrf1wea.

Thank you so much for your interest in our research! In order to ensure the health and safety of the Austin community, we’re currently not recruiting participants at this time. The University of Texas at Austin is continuing to monitor the coronavirus (COVID-19). Please click here for the latest updates.Â