TITLE: Power Simulation based on reading gxe results; MONTECARLO: NAMES = mod x1 x2; genclasses = cg(2); classes = cg(2); NOBSERVATIONS = 100; NREPS = 1000; SEED = 293; REPSAVE = ALL; SAVE = sim*.dat; PATMISS = x1(0) x2(0)| x1(1) x2(0)| x1(0) x2(1); PATPROBS = .94 | .03 | .03; ANALYSIS: TYPE = MIXTURE RANDOM; ALGORITHM IS INTEGRATION; MODEL IS NOCOVARIANCES; MODEL POPULATION: %OVERALL% [x1-x2@-.151]; a1 BY x1@.327; a1 BY x2@.327; a2 BY x1@0; !a2 doesn't exist for MZs !a2 BY x2@0; !a2 doesn't exist for MZs c BY x1@.678; c BY x2@.678; e1 BY x1@-.422; e2 BY x2@-.422; x1@.001; x2@.001; a1@1; a2@1; c@1; e1@1; e2@1; [a1@0 a2@0 c@0 e1@0 e2@0 mod@0]; mod@1; !.989 x1 on mod@.480; x2 on mod@.480; a1 WITH a2@0; !value for MZ twins e1 WITH e2@0; ax1 | a1 xwith mod; ax2 | a2 xwith mod; cx | c xwith mod; ex1 | e1 xwith mod; ex2 | e2 xwith mod; x1 on ax1@.05; !vary this x2 on ax1@.05; !vary this x2 on ax2@0; x1 on cx@-.015; x2 on cx@-.015; x1 on ex1@.034; x2 on ex2@.034; [cg#1*-.944]; !log odds of being in MZ group (ln(.28/.72)) %cg#1% %cg#2% x2 on ax2@.05; !vary this x2 on a1@0; x2 on a2@.327; a1 WITH a2@.5; !Value for DZ twins x2 on ax1@0;