Body Project Treatment
Body Project Treatment is open to all females between the ages of 18-34 years with major body image and eating concerns. Eligible participants will be randomly assigned to one of two conditions. Participants will attend 8 weekly one-hour body acceptance classes. The classes are designed to help women feel better about their bodies. During the meetings, participants complete a series of written and verbal exercises intended to increase body satisfaction by helping them think critically about the ultra-slender ideal and discussing some of the pitfalls associated with the pursuit of this ideal and engaging in disordered eating behaviors. We will also be collecting ECG data about the participants. Participants who are eligible for fMRI scans might be asked to undergo pre- and post-treatment scans. These participants will receive additional compensation and a picture of their brain.
RECRUITMENT on hold. Estimated to start again in January of 2019
Body Project 4
Body Project 4 is a positive body image program aimed at empowering females to be more accepting and loving of their bodies. Through group sessions, Body Project 4 provides a supportive and interactive environment for females to express their body-related insecurities and come up with behavioral changes that will continue to improve their body image. Body Project 4 groups consist of either 4 1-hour sessions centered around defining the appearance-ideal perpetuated by our society, the costs associated with pursuing the appearance-ideal, exercises that fight against pursuing the appearance-ideal and finding productive behavioral changes that help women to accept their own bodies while simultaneously helping their peers to do the same. Women that participated in the program complete follow-up assessments for up to 3 years.
Project Health
Project Health is a research study designed to promote healthy lifestyle choices and prevent unhealthy weight gain. Eligible participants will be randomly assigned to one of three conditions. Participants assigned to the first condition watch an educational video promoting healthy lifestyle choices, while participants assigned to the second and third conditions will attend six weekly one-hour group meetings. Individuals that participate in this program will complete follow-up assessments for up to 2 years. At each assessment, participants will have their body composition measured in a BOD POD.